Related entities and control environment

Pei en cifras

PEI es una alternativa de inversión inmobiliaria que permite a los inversionistas participar en un portafolio diversificado de activos comerciales generadores de renta a través de Títulos Participativos que transan en la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia.

The management and operation of Pei are framed within a control environment which is composed of different elements distributed among the corporate bodies and companies involved in the management and governance of Pei, according to the processes and activities under their responsibility. The systems and controls implemented by each of those involved are aimed at identifying, monitoring and managing the risks to which the vehicle may be exposed, in order to implement the necessary controls and mitigants.
The Investors’ General Assembly will be integrated by the Investors with the quorum and under the conditions set forth in the Trust’s Equity Securities Issuance and Placement Program Prospectus.
Pei has a high-level Advisory Committee, responsible for making the main decisions on acquisitions, indebtedness, and issuances and, generally monitoring the vehicle’s performance. Pei’s Advisory Committee has a mixed composition, as it consists of independent members and members of the Real Estate Manager.
Is Fiduciaria Corficolombiana S.A., which shall fulfill the Management Agent’s duties and, in accordance with Article of Decree 2555, shall collect the proceeds from the Issuance Program, make with investments under this Prospectus charged to the Trust’s resources, and act before the Investors and third parties as the Trust’s spokesperson. Additionally, the Management Agent has internal policies on corporate governance practices and business ethics, which apply to the governing bodies and personnel of the Management Agent in charge of managing Pei.

Legal representatives:

Jaime Alberto Sierra

Economist from Universidad Santo Tomás, Specialist in Private Finance of Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Master – Advanced Program in Business Management of Universidad de la Sabana’s INALDE School of Management and Business. For the past twenty years, he has held management positions in financial sector entities in the commercial, risks, and investment banking areas. He is a principal member of the Boards of Directors of reputed companies in various sectors of the country’s economy.

Jaime Andrés Toro Aristizabal

Business Manager from Universidad EAFIT and specializations in Finance from Universidad de Antioquia and Business Law from Universidad de Medellín. Master’s in business administration from Universidad de la Sabana’s Inalde Business School. Mr. Toro has served in a number of directive positions in commercial areas of the financial sector for more than 20 years.

Juan Carlos Pertuz Buitrago

J.D. from Universidad de los Andes, expert in infrastructure law, private equity funds, public administrative law, financial law, litigation and arbitration. Mr. Pertuz has experience as Legal Manager and General Secretary for companies in the infrastructure and financial sectors, the contractual structuring of highly complex financial instruments, infrastructure projects and their short and long-term financing schemes.

Edwin Roberto Díaz Chala

Economist from Universidad Santo Tomás, specialist in Financial Management from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. He has technical and financial education on the structuring of trust businesses and products, and their application in different industries. Mr. Díaz is knowledgeable in the planification and development of commercial strategies, with more than 20 years of experience in the financial sector, serving in management positions in commercial areas.

It is the financial services company Fiduciaria Colombiana de Comercio Exterior S.A. – Fiducoldex, or the entity legally authorized to do so, as selected by the Investors General Assembly to replace it.
Represents the bondholders rights and common interests before the issuer. Currently the Bondholders Representative is the trust company Itaú Fiduciaria Colombia S.A. (formerly Itaú Asset Management S.A.) It can resign, be removed, or replaced according to regulation Decreto 2555 de 2010.
Pei Asset Management is in charge of the real estate administration of the vehicle and the portfolio of assets that comprise it. The company’s team has a modern, strategic vision and extensive knowledge of the real estate sector and the capital market, making it a pioneer in the provision of innovative investment alternatives.

Our team:

Jairo Alberto Corrales Castro


Andrés Felipe Ruiz Vesga


Jimena Maya Muñoz

Strategy, innovation and communications manager

Iván Darío Parra

Asset Management Manager

María Alejandra Cardozo Otoya

Investment Manager

Andrés Mauricio Esquivel

Commercial Manager

Ginna Castro

Human Talent Manager

Board of directors

The Asset Manager’s operations are guided by a Board of Directors composed of three members selected by the Investors’ Assembly. This Board ensures the sound management of the business and provides oversight to the Asset Manager’s Executive Director and CEO.

Internal audit:

The Real Estate Manager has an internal audit area that periodically audits the company’s processes, including those deployed for the administration of Pei, to ensure that they comply with the procedures and policies established for each process. The audit includes the supervision of processes involving third parties such as specialized operators and clients of Pei properties. The audit includes the supervision of processes involving third parties such as specialized operators and clients of Pei properties.

Pei Asset Manager’s Auditor:

Professional or independent firm in charge of issuing an objective opinion on the quality and veracity of Pei AM’s financial information. Currently, EY Colombia.

Specialized committees:

For risk management and decision making, including those related to the services provided by the Real Estate Administrator to Pei, the Real Estate Administrator has a group of specialized committees by subject that are responsible for monitoring and proposing strategies for the management of issues such as sustainability, business ethics, counterparty risks, crisis management, among others.

Audit committee:

Responsible for supervising the management and effectiveness of the internal control system, monitoring the independence and objectivity of the internal auditor, defining and following up on the internal audit plan and; evaluating the findings detected in the audit results and the implemented action plans.

Sustainability committee:

Define, update and follow up on the compliance and development of the corporate sustainability model (and the policies that conforms it) under which the Real Estate Manager manages the vehicle.

Procurement committee:

To assure compliance with the Procurement Policy that promotes objectivity and transparency in the Real Estate Manager contracting process, as well as the evaluation and approvement of suppliers when the contracting modality presents any exception or incompatibility with the provisions of the Contracting and Procurement Policy.

Ethics committee:

It is the corporate body in charge of supervising the compliance with the Code of Conduct; supervising and managing the complaints made to the Ethics Mailbox; resolving Conflict of Interest situations in which the employees of the Real Estate Manager are involved and initiating investigations and defining the action plan for potential violations to the Transparency and Business Ethics Program.

Accounts receivable and Counterparty Risk Management Committee:

Responsible for approving and ensuring compliance with policies regarding execution of payment obligations derived from of Pei’s lease and concession agreements. It is formed by the Finance and Investor Relations VP, the Commercial Manager, the Director of Accounting, Tax and BackOffice and the Director of Financial Planning, Risks and Collections.


In order to prevent the risk of money laundering, financing of terrorism and financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the Real Estate Administrator establishes procedures and controls that govern its relationship with third parties, which are described in the SAGRILAFT Policy and Manual. In compliance with best practices and legal requirements, the Administrator has a compliance officer in charge of supervising the fulfillment with the controls established therein. It also conducts annual training and awareness-raising activities for its employees on the subject.


The Transparency and Business Ethics Program establishes the standards of behavior expected from the Real Estate Administrator’s employees with regard to the different stakeholders in order to promote impartial, transparent and trustworthy relationships, ensuring the ethics, integrity and quality of the services it provides as a real estate manager.

Pei will have its own statutory auditing, exclusive and independent from that of the Management Agent. Pei’s statutory auditor may be the same or other than that of the Management Agent, as determined by the Advisory Committee. All of the Statutory Auditing findings and reports shall be disclosed in the reports submitted to the Investors General Meeting and the notes to the end-of-period financial statements.