
To contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, guided by the regulatory standards and global referents in terms of Sustainability, Pei Asset Management, PEI’s real estate manager, designed a Sustainability Strategy aimed at mitigating any possible financial risks, increase the vehicle’s competitive advantage, and create a long-term business model that remains sustainable over time.

Creating Value Through Sustainability

Align the vehicle’s operation with a social, environmental, and governmental commitment

Corporate Sustainability Model Layers

In furtherance of PEI’s strategy and bearing in mind the stakeholders’ expectations, 6 material issues were defined to ensure the vehicle’s sustainability.

Based on the Sustainability Strategy, the company works to position PEI in several fronts: the assets’ eco-efficiencydevelopment through education and inclusion, and the generation of trust and transparency among the different stakeholders.

Description of the Corporate Sustainability Model’s Material Issues

SDGs and Certifications

Pei Asset Management is committed with six Sustainable Development Goals. The Corporate Sustainability Model is focused managing any material issues to generate a significant impact on the following SDGs:

Pei Asset Management



In furtherance of PEI’s strategy and bearing in mind the stakeholders’ expectations, 6 material issues were defined to ensure the vehicle’s sustainability.

Based on the Sustainability Strategy, the company works to position PEI in several fronts: the assets’ eco-efficiencydevelopment through education and inclusion, and the generation of trust and transparency among the different stakeholders.

“As managers of the top real estate investment vehicle in the country, we understand the responsibility and impact that our operation has on the environment and neighboring communities. By implementing the practices promoted by the PRI and the SDGs and deeper fostering a solid culture of sustainability in our team, we will increase the added value generated for these communities, our tenants and Investors.”
Jairo Corrales
Pei Asset Management's President