According to Pei’s Equity Securities Issuance and Placement Program’s information prospectus, Pei will pay the Distributable Cash Flow (DCF) generated in the first semester of 2020, on August 18, 2020.
The amount that each investor will receive, settled based on the semi-annual financial statements audited by the tax auditor, 1 will be COP $150.532 per Security, as authorized by the Advisory Committee.
This amount corresponds to an annual yield paid as Distributable Cash Flow (Dividend Yield) of 4.52% for 2020. The Distributable Cash Flow from the vehicle’s operation in the first half of the year reached COP $64.943MM. The DCF’s decrease, compared to that paid in the same period of the previous year, results from the reliefs granted to the tenants due to the health emergency situation and the variable income’s and other revenues[1] decrease in the second quarter of the year.
The relevant payments will be subject to the applicable tax withholdings, as applicable to each Equity Securities Investor.
According to the decisions made by the Investor’s Extraordinary Assembly of December 2018, the Distributable Cash Flow will be distributed on a quarterly basis as of the second half of 2020.
[1] Pei’s audited financial statements, with cut-off date June 30, 2020, are available at