Pei is a real estate investment alternative, through which investors participate in a diversified portfolio of income-generating assets through Equity Securities traded on the Colombian Stock Exchange.
Quarterly report
Pei Asset Management
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What does Pei do?
1,143,958 m²
Leasable area
Represented in +2,500 lease agreements
USD +2.4 Bn
In assets under management
Invested in +150 income-generating assets in over 30 cities in the country
Among them, institutional investors, individuals, and entities
Real Estate Investment in Pei
Pei is a pioneer and leader among real estate investment vehicles in Colombia, inspired on international Real Estate Investment Trusts – REITs.
Equity Securities
Investors acquiring PEIS securities, own a proportional interest in the Pei Trust which, in turn, owns the real estate assets.
PEIS are registered with the Registro Nacional de Valores y Emisores de la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia [Financial Superintendency of Colombia’s Securities and Issuers National Registry] and traded on the Colombian Stock Exchange.
Since 2011, BRC Standard & Poor’s has awarded the PEIS its highest rating for equity securities: i-AAA.
Investment thesis:
1. Leading player in the the colombian real estate market
2. Diversified portfolio with high quality tenants
3. Conservative real estate investment strategy
4. Long term contracts and low vacancy indexes
5. Strong financial and operational performance
6. Accomplished management team and shareholders
How to Invest?
Any individual, business, or entity interested in investing in Pei can acquire the Equity Securities through a primary issue or in the secondary market on the Colombian Stock Exchange, through a securities market intermediary.