Frequently Asked Questions

Vehicle's structure

It is an income diversified REIT. Through its shares, investors participate of a real estate portfolio of income-generating commercial assets, traded on the Colombian Stock Exchange. Standard & Poor’s S&P Global has rated Pei’s shares and granted the highest rate. For more information, please visit

For the past 17 years, Pei Asset Management has been the Real Estate Asset Manager of Pei, responsible for managing the asset portfolio of the vehicle, as well as evaluating investment opportunities. For more information, please visit

It is the abbreviation for the Spanish acronym Patrimonio Estrategias Inmobiliarias (Real Estate Assets Trust). On the other hand, PEIS refers to the Pei’s portfolio shares traded on the Colombian Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol PEI (Bloomberg: PEI CB Eqty). For more information, please visit

To learn more about Pei’s real estate investment alternative, please email us at or find the contacts of brokerage firms through which you can invest in Pei Securities at

The minimum investment amount in Pei is equivalent to one (1) Participative Security. To learn more about investments in Pei, please contact us at

There is no minimum holding period for the investment. However, this is a diversified portfolio of long-term income generation. The holding period allows for the potential optimization of returns. To learn more about investments in Pei, please contact us at

An individual, company, or entity interested in investing in Pei should do so by purchasing Participatory Securities (PEIS), which can be acquired through a primary issuance or in the secondary market. For more information, please contact us at

After almost 17 years of operation, Pei has managed to attract over 5,500 capital investors, including mandatory and voluntary pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, family offices, and over 4,600 individual investors. For more information, please visit our Corporate Presentation


The profitability of Participative Securities is variable as investors participate in the business results at any given point in time. Since Pei is a long-term investment vehicle, profitability varies depending on the investment horizon, with the potential to maximize returns over longer investment periods. The target profitability for a 10-year period is CPI +7%. For more information, please contact us at

The funds generated by Pei’s operations are distributed in their entirety to investors on a quarterly basis, specifically on the 10th business day of February, May, August, and November. For more information, please refer to the historical Distributable Cash Flow distributed per security or contact us at

The funds generated from the sale of portfolio assets can be reinvested in assets in accordance with Pei’s Investment Policy within a period of up to twelve (12) months. If not reinvested within this timeframe, the available cash flow should be distributed to the vehicle’s investors. For more information, please refer to the investment regulations or contact us at

To access the company’s Financial Statements, please visit or go to the website of our Trust Agent, Corficolombiana (, and the website of the Legal Representative of Investors, Fiducoldex (

To learn more about Pei’s real estate investment alternative, please contact us at or find the contact information for Brokerage Firms that can advise you at:

To learn more about Pei’s real estate investment alternative, please contact us at or find the contact information for Brokerage Firms that can advise you at

Real estate portfolio

Pei cuenta con más de 150 activos en 32 ciudades y municipios de Colombia. Para más información consulte

Pei invests in income-generating commercial assets with high potential for appreciation. The asset categories in which Pei invests include corporate, retail, logistics, and specialized use. For more information, please visit

Corporate governance

Material decisions at Pei are made by the Advisory Committee, the highest governing body of the vehicle. For more information, please visit

The Advisory Committee has a mixed composition: independent members, the Legal Representative of the Investors, and members of the Real Estate Manager. For more information, please visit

Pei Asset Management is a company dedicated to structuring and managing real estate vehicles in Colombia with over 15 years of experience and has been consolidated with local capital. To learn more about us, please visit

The Ordinary Investor Assembly presents Pei’s Financial Statements, the annual management report prepared by the Real Estate Manager, and the annual report prepared by the Trust Agent. For more information, please visit

For more information about Pei’s Ordinary Investor Assemblies, please visit

The Ordinary Investor Assembly is held annually in accordance with the Issuance and Placement Prospectus of the Pei Participatory Securities Program with information as of the previous year-end. For more information about the assemblies, please visit


To access the investor portal at, we recommend trying from a Chrome browser.

Contact us Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. by phone, or continuously via email at

To address investor requests, we have different channels of assistance depending on your inquiry. If it relates to business management, key indicators and financial figures, real estate industry trends, or business expectations and projections, please email For tax-related matters, you can send your inquiry to the email provided by the Trust Agent, Corficolombiana Fiduciary, at If you have a request regarding your investor experience or improvement opportunities, you can send it to, assigned by the Legal Representative of the Investors, Fiducoldex.

To access our website, please visit