• In line with its sustainable culture development strategy, PEI Asset Management is committed in implementing international responsible investment management standards within its organization.
  • Pei’s admission as signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), implies that both the company and its collaborators will contribute to such principles’ fulfillment.
  • Therefore, the company will continue to work, both in the management of the assets and the tenants’ and investors’ relationships, into furthering the Environmental, Social and Government criteria’s incorporation.
  • Pei Asset Management is the first real estate vehicle manager in Latin America (exc. Brazil) to join in as a signatory to the PRI.

Bogotá, April 2020. PEI Asset Management, PEI’s real estate manager, is progressing its consolidation as a responsible investment manager in the country, by joining in as a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

The PRI’s purpose is to understand how the environmental, social, and corporate governance issues’ impact investments and support the signatories on how to incorporate such issues into their investment decision-making and ownership practices.

Pei Asset Management will apply in the PRI in its investment management practices. The PRI were developed by this independent organization and are promoted by investors all around the world. The company will adopt such practices in any vehicle it manages and, in Pei’s case, in the management of its real estate assets portfolio.

By becoming a signatory to the PRI, Pei Asset Management officially becomes one of the more than 3,000 signatories from over 60 countries representing an excess of USD 89 billion in assets under management. Colombia has seven signatories, while Latin America 40. Pei Asset Management is the first real estate vehicle manager in Latin America (exc. Brazil) to join in as a signatory to the PRI.

Jairo Corrales, Pei Asset Management’s President stated in this connection that, “As managers of the country’s leading real estate investment vehicle, we understand our operation’s responsibility toward and impact on the environment and the neighboring communities. By implementing the practices promoted by the

PRI and deeper fostering a solid culture of sustainability in our team, we will increase the added value generated for those communities, our tenants, and investors”.